Common Blood Testing Myths: Debunked

Image of blood testing

Blood testing is the most effective way to detect health conditions. However, there are many myths surrounding blood testing that can make this process rather complicated.

In this blog post, we have discussed the most common blood testing myths that will help you understand the importance of blood testing for your health.

You Only Need Blood Testing If You Are Ill or Unhealthy

One of the most prevalent blood testing myths that many people believe is that only those who are sick or unhealthy need blood testing. However, even healthy individuals

with a family history of a particular disease need to get their blood test done once a year to ensure they are healthy.

When a disease is detected early, the more likely it is that it can be treated. Thus, do not believe in this myth and get yourself checked on time.

Blood Testing is Needed After Three Years

Many people believe the myth that blood testing or blood screening is needed after three years. However, this is not valid. Your doctor will decide the frequency of blood screening as per your age, health, medical record, family history, and gender.

If your family has a strong history of certain diseases, it is imperative to get blood tests done from an early age. Nowadays, newborns are tested for diseases via blood testing to check if they are healthy or not. Thus, get yourself tested as per your doctor’s instructions for ideal results.

Blood Testing is Painful

One of the most common mythsabout blood testing is that it is painful and you will feel weak after it. In fact, the reality could not be further from the truth as only picking the needle is lit bit painful.

If you are hesitant to get blood testing done due to this myth, then we suggest not to because an experienced blood sample collector will collect your blood faster without any pain even before you realize it.

Suppose you are anxious before your blood test due to your fear of needles. In that case, it is suggested that you calm yourself before the test.You can distract yourself with music and ask an expert to collect your blood sample swiftly and carefully.

Blood Testing Results Are Instant

Not all blood test results are instant. Depending on the test, it can take a few minutes to several days to get test results. For accurate results, lab techniciansconduct the test as per the required process, and some testing processes are slow compared to others. Thus, you must have patience once you are done with your blood test.

Final Words:

Blood testing is an essential procedure to diagnose diseases and get treated on time. Thus, you need to stop believing the blood testing myths mentioned above and consult your doctor before getting the test done.

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